ECM Libra Foundation Scholarship

Scholarship details

The Bright Spark Full Scholarship is available for the 15-month A-Level Programme at ECiM. Students must have excellent straight-A results, show extra-curricular achievement and must display a genuine need for financial support.


Applicant must meet all the below requirements

  • Have completed SPM or the local equivalent, please submit SPM mock exam results
  • Achieved straight As in all SPM subjects or local equivalent
  • Must be a resident or citizen of ASEAN countries
  • Must be at least 16 years of age, below 20 years of age.
  • Have had a leadership role in an extracurricular activity
  • Meet the financial eligibility criteria of total household income below USD1,500 a month

Preferred Discipline


Amount Info

The full scholarship covers all school and boarding fees:

School & Boarding FeesRM 95,000

How to apply for ASEAN Bright Sparks – A-Level Full Scholarship

Complete the application form via the ECM Libra Foundation website, which is to be accompanied by:

  • A personal statement of not more than 300 words
  • A copy of your most recent academic results
  • A copy of your extra-curricular achievements (if any)
  • At least 1x teacher’s recommendation
  • Parent’s monthly income statement for the last 3 months. Please redact sensitive information.